Thursday, December 12, 2019

Raclette Taste Test

Hello Everyone,

Today we opened up the Raclette cheese and tried it. The taste was quite strong, but very good. But...the same issue, it didn't melt!


Leanna said...

I have a question. Do you check the ph of your cheeses when making them? Some cheese refuse to melt if they are too acidic or alkaline. Also, the water in the cheese might be too low and the cheese won't melt. Yes, if the water molecules are not given room in a too dense cheese the cheese won't melt like feta cheese. Try looking into these to items.

Rain said...

Thanks Leanna :) I do have PH strips. I had a PH meter but it wasn't working so I had to return it, I'm not sure how well the strips work either, but I don't know at what point to check the PH levels and what levels they need to be to go on to the next step. All of the home cheese making recipe books don't talk about PH except for Mozzarella cheese. I've asked that question to the lady whose book I read, I hope she is able to advise me on that!

Martha said...

The cheese does look very professional! I'm impressed just by how great your cheese come out. And I'm so fascinated by the whole process. I never realized how much goes into making cheese.

Rain said...

Thanks Martha :) It looks good, tastes good, but dang it won't melt!!! I think I didn't realize how much went into the cheese making when I started, I was so overstressed back then with Stella and Pavlov staying with us that I couldn't put as much mental energy into it. Now though, I'm determined!!! I have to find out why it's not melting it's driving me batty lol...

Fundy Blue said...

I'm sorry that your Raclette didn't melt, Rain! I enjoyed the video, and I got a kick out of seeing Jack by your side, and I think, Marlene walking by. You'll figure it out eventually!

Rain said...

Thanks Louise :) It's frustrating for sure. If I can figure this out I think that I'll have a major celebration! :)

Fleas said...

I just found your site. Love the videos and everything. I just wondered, you cut the rind off your raclette, but is it also okay to eat? I’m new to cheese making and never know what rinds/moulds you can actually eat. With thanks, Rebecca

Rain said...

Thanks Rebecca!! So glad you are enjoying my site. Rind is edible. My bf eats the rinds on most cheeses, I'm a little more picky because the rind is usually hard and sometime a bit too strong for my taste! I do enjoy the "rind" on the bloomy whites, but that's really as far as I go!! ☺

Some store bought cheeses have inked logos or words printed on the rinds, so in that case, I wouldn't eat it either. In fact, I just don't eat store bought rinds period because I don't know what's been done to them. Making my own, I know that there is nothing inorganic touching the rind as it hardens and ages.